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Saturday, 11 January 2014

Get offa my cloud!

Okay, it's 06.15 and I'm still awake. I've been packing for my flitting - well, thinking about what to keep and chucking some things out - and then I made the mistake of looking at the BBC news website. That has sent my blood pressure up a few notches.

I decided last year I was going to vote for independence. I want the next generation (I'll be fine with my work and state pensions for the next twenty odd years) to have a good life: a decent education, good health care, a chance to earn a decent living. And I reckon independence is the way to go. I'm also prepared to listen to what advantages there are to being part of the Union, although I haven't heard many so far.

But I've really had a bucketload of the scare stories currently being offered by both sides of the independence argument. This is the latest:

These stories usually appear at the weekend when politicians are least likely to be around to refute them. But I want to warn politicians and the media all the same: be careful what stories you put out there on TV, in newspapers and on the internet. The public are not stupid, though they are being treated that way right now. We see what you're doing and we know that news items like this one are just smoke and mirrors - a way of avoiding discussing the real issues around independence. If you want to, you can come and talk to us at our level - not scare level - if not, fine. At the end of the day the decision is ours, not yours.

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