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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Selfie Advice

Nothing - I repeat - NOTHING would persuade me to put a selfie on my Facebook page. Well, maybe downing a couple of bottles of Sauvignon Blanc might help but as soon as I sobered up I would realise what I'd done and delete it...

Do I admire the women who've put up selfies sans make-up in the past ten days? Or the guys who've put up selfies with makeup? I'm glad they've raised money for charity but I've had a bit of a jolt to discover how many women I know never leave the house without putting on makeup first. And I'm amazed at the number of people who don't know how to get their photo taken!

Advice - point 1: Don't pout! You may think you look like this:

But you actually look like this:

In Scotland we call this a petted lip and we tell kids not to do it! 

Advice - point 2: SMILE! For heaven's sake, you're doing a good thing here putting your photo up to raise money for breast cancer charities. Try and look as if you're happy to do it! 

Advice - point 3: Try to avoid pointing your mobile up your nose when you're taking a photo. Your nostrils are not your best feature. Your eyes probably are your best feature so try to photograph yourself looking slightly up at the camera. That widens the eyes. Also, turning your head slightly to the right or the left will reduce the double chin. Always a good idea.  

Advice - point 4: Try not to get too close when you're taking a selfie, unless you're confident you look like Angelina Jolie.

Advice - point 5: Don't, whatever you do, let anybody post a photo of you in 'model' pose: hand on hip, one hip lower than the other, one foot sticking out towards the camera. Your feet will look huge and you'll look as if you have some kind of back trouble. If Posh Spice looks like an eejit standing around like this, so will you. 

Above all, if you're taking photos of your children, don't let them pose like adults - please! No pouting and no model poses - it's just creepy seeing a three year old doing that. And wide, toothy grins are fine till kids lose their teeth. The natural look is always better. 

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