Thought I'd stay off tinternet for a few days. Give things - mainly me - time to cool down, since I was getting quite agitated last week over the elections down south. Then I read Ukip are planning to set up shop in Scotland.
Ke-rist on a bike.
How did that happen? How did the loony right come to the conclusion they had a chance of picking up votes in Scotland?
Well, it's thanks to the Tories, of course.
Which leads me to ask: what are the Tories for? It's bad enough they have an agenda that is so obviously against the interests of most of the population of the UK and so extreme they seem to be leaving their Lib Dem partners in a permanent state of 'You wot?' policy-wise. But the Tories are traditionally centre right, not as they seem to be in the past few days, well to the right of Genghis Khan, saying anything to be right-er than Ukip.
Worse still from my point of view, they seem to have taken Labour with them. Maybe. I'm not sure. It's hard to gauge what Labour are up to but a couple of articles in the papers suggest they see their salvation in following the Tories into the darkness.
I write as someone who cares about politics. I accept that most people don't. I don't want the governance of our country left to a political group - I want us all to have a say in what happens - and to say it loudly.
Anyone want to join me? Anyone?
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