There are a few 'buts' coming up, of course.
You can't go out and sunbathe the way we did when we were young. A friend of mine used to slap on olive oil or even the old Crisp n Dry to help her to burn fast - well, you just never knew when the sun would disappear. You're still more likely to get skin cancer oop north, especially if you're fair-skinned or red-headed, so caw canny and wear a hat outside! Use factor 25 in the sun. In fact, and I speak from bitter experience, you might want to go for factor 50 as you get older.
Indeed, if you are a wee bit older and on medication - and remember: the NHS has got GPs on a bounty for every one of us they can get onto life-extending drugs - you might want to check those inserts that come with your medication. This can be quite challenging. Here's the insert with one of my stomach meds - yes, both pages!

I don't normally read this stuff - life's too short. But when I developed a fairly nasty side-effect to a previous stomach med (visual and auditory hallucinations), I decided to start reading the lists of side-effects enclosed with everything I'm prescribed.
To my amazement, two of the meds I take mention photo-sensitivity as a side-effect, and this is not even one of the rarer side-effects (1 patient in every 100). This would explain why even factor 50 sun-block didn't protect me in Fuerteventura in March where any bit of me that stuck out into the sunshine just fried.
So be careful out there but enjoy the sunshine - if it ever comes back!
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