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Saturday, 18 August 2012

This is a tough one...

I got a post on Facebook from a friend tonight, asking me to 'like traditional marriage'. You may guess 'traditional' means man/woman. I really respect this friend and, although I have no religious beliefs myself, I admire her faith and her loyalty to her church. But I'm shocked that such a view would be aired on FB, alarmed that so many people support her view and finally horrified that I'm expected to go along with it.

I was a very intolerant young woman. I grew up with a set of 'rules' passed on to me by Victorian and Edwardian grandparents and teachers - very influential in those days - and it has taken me decades to work out my own way of living. I reject religion since most religions seem to be about controlling people's behaviour and I reckon grown-ups can do that for themselves. I refuse to hate anyone or any group - what a waste of energy. I try to avoid knee-jerk prejudices: we can at least take the time to think about what people say. And if we have to do politics - and I think we do if we want to live in a functioning democracy - we can at least make it fair and above all KIND politics.

A quick head-count of my gay friends adds up to maybe a dozen. I'm not sure because I don't actually categorise people that way. (By the way, a non-FB friend told me recently that he didn't know anyone who is gay. B*ll*cks, said I, You just don't know them that well.) Do I want to give up my gay friends because they are gay? Don't think so. Nor do I want to deny them their wish to have a marriage ceremony, assuming they want one.

What I want is for us all to accept the quality of equality and stop putting people like me in a position where it seems we have to choose.....

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