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Thursday, 9 August 2012


It's taken 11 days of exposure to the Olympics but finally I have cracked. Listening to a 10 minute interview with who knows which retired athlete about Usain Bolt, I found myself shouting at the computer:


The BBC are the main broadcasters of the games and the source of all the material that appears on other stations. They set the tone.

What if you're one of the many French or Spanish or Canadian or Indian or Polish or Aussie people living in the UK? Which BBC channel can you go to to see how your team is going? None that I can find.

I can't believe the BBC producers were sent into these games with instructions to be totally biased. This is after all an organisation which for generaitons has prided itself on its impartiality. The ultimate defenders of what the French call 'le fair play.' But biased they are - giving partisan, lazy commentaries on just the few competitors wearing the GB badge.

Does the UK audience know any more about any of the Olympic sports around the world? Not unless it's covered in a Union Flag!

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