It's like a scene out of The Birds round here right now - and the noise!
The Council put all sorts of stuff on the roof of the police station round the corner to stop gulls nesting a few years back so now they nest on our roofs and attack people. We have to pay a company to come and remove the nests and put up those wee spiky things to stop them landing. Of course we pay: this is East Ren - nothing is free here!
The workmen came yesterday and did their stuff, getting attacked as they worked. But today I spotted a well grown chick on the ground, and a small flock of adults flying around it. And I know we're in trouble!
Of course, the gulls don't realise these are buildings with people living in them - they think this is a cliff face, their usual habitat. Of course, they like being here because there are 14 restaurants and 9 takeaways just round the corner and there's always food lying about.
Remember the Alfred Hitchcock movie The Birds. They will surely return for pay back especially when defending their young. That's life.