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Thursday, 10 April 2014

Trending in Glasgow

I've started noticing a few fashion trends on the streets of Glasgow. These are not trends I'm likely to be copying any day soon.

I think the wearers of these trousers want us to think: I'm edgy and mean and probably a drug dealer from downtown Philly. What they suggest to me: I have no arse and I'm so poor I can't even afford a pair of £4 Matalan jeans. I also own a belt and don't know what it's for. 

He wants us to think: I have so much hair, I have to wear a beanie to contain it all. I really think: you look like a dick. Next worst thing to a beanie: white kids with dreadlocks. Wrong. No style. No class. Just wrong. You wear your dreadlocks tucked up inside your beanie? You look like a watermelon wearing a hat. 

What to say about tattoos? In fact, I think you can all have as many tattoos as you like. It's a free country. Just don't go on Facebook complaining that people like me don't like them and are prepared to say so. It's not that we're fuddy-duddies and spoilsports. Well, we are, but that's not what this is about. It's a free country as already stated and your tattoos gross us out. Especially the ones where you get your own name tattooed on your arm or leg. What, you're practising for when you'll have Alzheimer's and won't know who you are? 

And couldn't you try being something more original than some pretend Landan gangsta who is himself imitating some pretend LA gangsta? Maybe you need to reassess what 'cool' really means. 

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