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Thursday, 20 February 2014

Blair and Brooks

There is something really repulsive about the email outlining the advice Tony Blair gave to Rebekah Brooks over the phone hacking business.

It's not the fact that a former Labour Prime Minister is pals with Rebekah Brooks and her man, who are in turn best buddies with the Cameron set. Nor that Blair and Brooks seem to be the best friends of the Murdochs. Though it would be good to remind him of the old saying: lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas...Not even that Blair seemed to think what she did at the News of the World - allowing or even encouraging hacking into the phone of a dead child - could be defended. After all, Blair was a lawyer and they get paid to defend the indefensible. 

No, the worst thing of all is that the things he told her to do - hold an enquiry, get this firm of lawyers to act for you, etc - these were part of  strategy Blair had used himself to avoid the British public looking too closely into the death of Dr David Kelly and the circumstances surrounding the so-called Weapons of Mass destruction held by Iraq - you know, the ones the USA and UK invaded Iraq over - the ones that never in fact existed. 

The results of all this? The Murdochs and Blair are still riding high. Blair has never been brought to account over the Iraq invasion. He still makes millions from public speaking. Milly Dowler is still dead. Dr David Kelly too. And there's every chance Brooks will walk away unscathed from the trial she's currently involved in. 

We always express shock when we hear of corruption in other countries - what, people actually hand over cash to get the version of justice they want? How terrible! It could never happen here. But if this case and these people aren't evidence of corruption at the highest level of British society, the word has no meaning any more. 

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