Alex and I decided to try out the new cafe at Elder Park today. It's called Casey's. Lovely place, although I did notice a sign on the door informing us "Party's catered for." Nice decor, matching tables and chairs, photos on the walls, a big telly, proper napkins, friendly staff, not a sign of lino on the floor or waxcloth on the tables. Definitely a step up from Tina's where nothing matches and kitchen towel does very well as a napkin.
But: same menu, same prices...same clientele.
Workies demolishing burgers and mugs of coffee for £2.75 on their break from repairing potholes in the roads. Students scoffing 2 rolls 'n' gammon with tea for £2. A drunk woman who ordered mac 'n' cheese and then couldn't eat it. "Ah'm no very well, hen," she told the waitress. She took it with her in a polystyrene box, Josie huckling her out the door, hand under her elbow, saying sweetly: "You take care o yersel, pet," as she shut the door firmly in her face.
And best of all, the LOUDEST woman you have ever heard. Young, cheery, accompanied by two wee boys who had obviously learned the only to get her attention was to shout even louder. Her voice bounced off the walls, drowning out all conversation and the telly. A small child in a buggy was so scared, she burst into tears. "It's me - it's because Ah'm loud - sorry, sweetheart!" said the loud woman loudly, leaning over the buggy and scaring the child so her bottom lip trembled for ages. I wondered if the loud woman realised she still had her iPod buds in her ears but didn't dare say so.
The secret to eating in cafes in Govan is never to meet anyone's eye, not even the waitress's. Never pass remarks, even in a whisper. Keep them for the car.
But I love Govan - all human life is here. Sometimes even a wee bit too much.
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