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Monday, 5 August 2013

That lightbulb moment?

I am sitting here in the gloom of two so-called reading lamps, so dim I think they must be powered by one of those 11 watt 'energy-saver' lightbulbs the local authority was giving away free last year. 11 watts - what exactly is the point of 11 watts?

More to the point, why would I spend £383 on eye tests and new glasses only to end up unable to see a damned thing in my own livingroom, despite having four - four! - table lamps strategically placed around the room? I swear it's so dark in the livingroom I wouldn't be able to have any kind of a lightbulb moment. To read I need to see, so I now read in a smaller room, with a table lamp and a floor lamp and still, with energy-saver bulbs, I can hardly see a damned thing.

I can see the point in A rated fridges and freezers - in fact, I own one of each. I also have temperature control valves on my radiators (they cost me £386 only last month) and an A rated economy washing machine. In addition, I only use the economy-wash on my dishwasher and when I use my oven, I try to cook 2 or 3 things at the same time.

I am an energy-saver - just me on my own. But our ancestors struggled long and hard to get out of the dark and into the light - I am old enough to remember when my Govan granny got the electric instead of the old gas lamps - so I'm not sitting here squinting at my thriller any longer. Time to buy yet another reading lamp - and to search the shops of Govan and Ibrox for any remaining old-style bulbs - you know, the ones you can actually see by.

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