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Friday, 16 November 2012

Democracy at work?

Thank you, Krishnan Guru Murthy, for pointing out on C4 News tonight the big problem in UK politics right now: after yesterday's Corby bi-election and elections for police commissioners (in England or in England and Wales? Not sure), he interviewed representatives of the Labour Party and the Coalition, let them harangue each other for a while and then reminded them all they were doing was shouting at each other, not engaging the voters.

I'm delighted Labour managed to get a majority at the Corby bi-election of seven and a half thousand on such a poor turnout.

But I have to ask: what is the point of the Coalition's flagship policy to have elected police commissioners? I can see why the people that got elected like the idea: more jobs for the boys - well, it looks like it's boys, doesn;t it? But I can also see why the public didn't bother turning out to vote. Why have commissioners at all? Why have the election in November? Why hold an election without explaining through a TV, radio and internet campaign what it's for? If I was really cynical, I'd say this - low turn-out due to voter apathy - is how you get the people you want into these positions. And what kind of mandate do these commissioners now have on a 7% turnout?

I conclude this is another bit of the omnishambles the Coalition is so good at. The loss of voter confidence and the rise in cynicism among voters will be immense. The amount of money wasted on the exercise defies belief.

As for John Prescott, time to - as we say in Glasgow - GTF!

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