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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Is it me?

Am I the only person who has noticed the amazing amount of free advertising being given to one huge multi-national company this week? Every newspaper, magazine, TV station and news website has been publicising - free of charge - this company's newest gadget.

The gadget has just been launched in order to cash in on the lucrative Xmas market, despite the fact the company claimed till fairly recently they would never get into this area of IT - I guess greed will win out every time - and just 6 months after the last big innovation was launched - again, with huge amounts of free publicity.

This is a company with a very iffy reputation in some parts of the world. Remember the awful working conditions and high suicide rates in its Chinese factories?

Fifteen years ago, the only place this company could sell its products was education. It was definitely a niche market. Its products were and remain good-looking but very, very expensive compared to other companies'.

Now, it seems to be intent on gobbling up all its rivals: Samsung, Kindle - the lot. And the media seem to be helping. It wasn't a good idea for Miscrsoft to corner the market in software - and it's definitely not a good idea for Apple (there, I said it!) to dominate the hand-held device market so completely. We'll be sorry.....

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